Out of the Ordinary

Everday's a special day

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I am sorry

To my dearest,

I know you are all very concern about me here. I know all the questions you ask was just to make sure everything is alright here. What is irony is that most of the questions you asked makes me irritated.

I don't mean to be rude to you all. I know all your questions mean no harm to me but it's the answer that I can't provide. I have to deal with all the problems here all own my own and at the same time when you ask about it, I get angry and irritated especially when the problem is not solve. I myself do not know what I should do and to give that answer to you with the following question makes me irritated.

I am so sorry mum and dad. I didn't mean to be rude or anything. Just that I wish that one of you could be with me and help me but you can't coz you're far away and I have to deal this myself. I tend to blow off more on you guys coz you're the closest to me and you know me too well. I hope you all understand and don't take it the other way.

About today...I wish I can explain in a better way but I don't have the answer yet...I'm stuck and do not know what to do till one month later.

Forgive me please...I love you all still and I know you still love me *hugs*


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