My Weekend
I went and stayed over with Anna, one of my best mate from school at the Renaissance. She graduated yesterday!!! Congrats my dear....looks like it's only me left who's still in uni
We did the normal girls talk hohoho and took lots of snap shots in her camera. She was telling me about Liverpool and showing me most of the pics she took. I fell in love instantly with the pics she took in Paris and Disney Village.
AND not only did she tell me all about her trip to France and UK was also the shopping she did!! She bought a pair of suede boots for only UK$15, whereas her friends only bought theirs for UK$5 a belt for UK$1 and shirts for UK$5. SO SIAW!!! I mean don't convert what you earn in ringgit of course. Compare it one to's SO CHEAP! Where on earth can you get a pair of boots for that price in KL?? They can even get a pair of runners for UK$20. Here you need at least RM200 to get one.
What else? Tour around Europe is sooo cheap too. Her friends went around Europe for only UK$ 599. AROUND EUROPE, few countries, FEW not one but more than two!! That includes accomodation!!! My goodness such a good deal! Since Anna's going back in April, I'll be visiting her once she settle down. Then we're going tour around Europe. I mean you can't even get that kind of price here to go around Europe. I told her we must go to Switzerland and get skiing lessons and France to Disney Village. And also to get one LV bag hohoho one tourist is only allow to buy one LV and they get a Cert with each LV purchase.
I always wonder why we can never get these good deals here *haih* That's why right now, if u want branded stuff, go to ur neighbouring country to get them. They give better deals and mostly newer fashions too. Trust me. Don't get cheated and shop smart. Even the cooking utensils like Tefal ( famous utensils brand) and Henckels ( famous for good knives with two man) are cheaper there than here.
Guess I'll make it a point to go where I've always wanted to go. Must.
~sze hui out~
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